We Come Together
2021, 7-part series with 7 texts, video sequence, ready made (bench)Comissioned work for the exhibition "What Will Be - Towards a Plurality of Futures", Kunsthaus Graz, as part of SHOWING STYRIA, 2021
Curated by Barbara Steiner, Katrin Bucher Trantow and Martin Grabner
Theoretical/artistic advice: Gerardo Montes de Oca Valadez
Exhibition views: Kunsthaus Graz, 2021, photos by Martin Grabner
For the commissioned series "We Come Together" Julia Gaisbacher spent
several weeks in Styria's Mürztal in the village of Stanz (AT) and
observed spatial manifestations of a political process. Since 2015 a
successfully realized citizens initiative works on community-based
projects to vitalize the village and to directly react on the needs of
its citizens apart from conventional party politics. Julia Gaisbacher
has been in exchange with citizens about completed and future plans. In
her series she formulates an aesthetic approach, in which she blends
documentations, plans and results of this process. Within the exhibition
at Kunsthaus Graz Julia Gaisbacher presents 7 photographs and
accompanying texts as well as 28 video sequences and a "ready made"
carpooling bench from the town. (Anna Resch, Sebastian Jobst)