Public Exercise
2014, 3-pieces series, variable sizes, lambda-printCollected by the Artothek des Bundes, Federal Cancellery of Austria
Research fundings by
Emanuel und Sofie Fohn - Stipendienstiftung
Public space is always planned per its perspective function, and everyday gestures can be enough to question these prescribed uses subtly. Roofs as hybrid zones between public and private are often associated with such prescripts as they relate to our conventions of viewing and use. They are often inaccessible to the public, serve the infrastructural supply lines of the buildings they crown or as rooftop balconies for building residents.
In this context, “Public Exercise” may mean both public physical exercise and drill – it may, on the one hand, depict potential space of action via re-evaluative gestures or address the influence of individual behaviour by the design of the constructed environment.
In this context, “Public Exercise” may mean both public physical exercise and drill – it may, on the one hand, depict potential space of action via re-evaluative gestures or address the influence of individual behaviour by the design of the constructed environment.